“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.”
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds – Charles McKay 1841
Critical thinking has been banned, it’s no longer allowed,
GroupThink’s now the edict, we must all follow the crowd;
We’re being bullied and forced to all think the same,
And if we fail to conform we’re given some nasty name.

Activists agendas create a set of nonsensical rules,
Which we must all adhere to, or be labelled as fools,
Or racists, or deniers, or something much worse;
A free thinking mind is becoming a curse.
Fail to follow the narrative, then be left in no doubt
The woke mob will come baying to cancel you out.
Common sense and logic lie abandoned in tatters,
Some weird political correctness is now all that matters.
The order of the world is being changed,
The old values discarded, or being rearranged,
We’re becoming unhinged, believing in fantasy tales,
Such as man is at risk from what he exhales.
A totalitarian environment; what to think we are told,
No reason, no debate, thoughts completely controlled,
Facts conjured out of fiction, history rewritten or ignored,
It’s an Orwellian future we’re all racing toward.